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The InnowayIT platform supports a variety of business-IT alignment and management use cases

Business-Technology Alignment Use Cases

Business-Technology Alignment

Digital Business Strategy

How to use technology to continuously achieve operational, growth, and transformational results, and to create new competitive advantages?

Business-Technology Alignment

IT Strategy

Simplify your IT, fix the basics and transform your technologies to enable digital transformation with the help of our platform.

Business-Technology Alignment

Cloud Strategy

How cloud computation could help your organization to achieve your business growth, agility, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction objectives?

Business-Technology Alignment

RPA Strategy

Formulate a comprehensive plan for how your organization will implement RPA into its workflows, align expectations, and address capability gaps to achieve your objectives.

Business-Technology Alignment

API  Strategy

As a cornerstone of your digital ambitions, formulate your API strategy from an outside-in perspective, to align organization & culture, deploy enabling technology, and engage your ecosystem.

Business-Technology Alignment

Nextgen Infrastructure Strategy

Formulate strategy to develop a system of infrastructure platforms, in a cost-effective and secure manner, that meet all non-functional requirements, and evolving business needs

Enterprise Architecture Use cases

Enterprise Architecture Use Cases

Reference Architecture

Foundational understanding of current EA, common vocabulary, best practices, gaps and opportunities, people resources, tools, partenerships

Enterprise Architecture Use Cases

Target Architecture

How can we can deliver target business outcomes by delivering capabilities & enabling systems?

Enterprise Architecture Use Cases

Planning and Execution

Provide guidance and support on the execution of initiatives to deliver target architecture

Enterprise Architecture Use Cases


Ensure governance and assurance to align with target architecture. Establishing Guardrails and Standards and ensuring compliance

Enterprise Architecture Use Cases

Business Support

Provide advise and support to domain, initiatives and executive management on architecture.

Business-Technology Management Use Cases


Business Technology Management

Business Capability Maturity Assessment

Develop a categorized map of key business capabilities and assess them from people, process, technology and partnership perspectives to develop a roadmap.

Business Technology Management

Application Portfolio Management

Manage your application portfolio to develop a 360 degree view of your business and technical applications, and to economize, rationalize and modernize their investments.

Business Technology Management

Initiative Portfolio Rationalization

Prioritize your initiatives in alignment with strategy, capability impact, technology impact, risk avoidance, and business value to ensure investments are channelized to the right projects.

Business Technology Management

Business Services Portfolio

Manage your business services portfolio to manage their lifecycle, maturity levels, required capabilities and initiatives, and ensure compliance with SLAs.

Business Technology Management

Digital Strategy Risk Assessment

Create a risk register for digital strategy and manage business technology risks to develop a comprehensive digital strategy risk profile.

Business Technology Management

Technology Reference Model and Standards

Define a technology reference model for your organization, develop standards and ensure compliance with existing technology asset portfolio.

Business Technology Management

IT Services Portfolio

Manage your IT services portfolio to manage their lifecycle, maturity levels, required capabilities and initiatives, and ensure compliance with SLAs.

Business Technology Management

IT Component and Stack Portfolio

Manage your IT components and stack portfolios, rationalize costs, ensure currency, set standards, and align right investment directions with IT, digital and business strategies.

Business Technology Management

Service Provider Portfolio

Manage your Service Provider portfolio to categorize and develop strategies for different provider segments to align with your IT, digital and business strategies.