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Link Formulation and Execution to Continuously Improve Your  Outcomes

©️ 2021, InnowayIT Inc.

 Strategy Formulation 



  1. Engage Sponsor
  2. Capture vision and concerns
  3. Define Scope
  4. Define time horizon
  5. Identify list of stakeholders


  1. Invite Stakeholders
  2. Brief on the Purpose
  3. Capture stakeholder concerns
  4. Assign responsibilities (RACI)
  5. Play back


  1. Study concerns and disruptions
  2. Apply Strategic Lenses
  3. Discover Strategic Choices
  4. Define Options
  5. Play back


  1. Review Choices and Options
  2. Analyze Pros and Cons
  3. Conduct Review sessions
  4. Stakeholders Decisions
  5. Play back


  1. Define guiding policies
  2. Conduct Review Sessions
  3. Define Themes and                Objectives
  4. Define Initiatives
  5. Initiate Technology     Architecture Planning

Define OKR

  1. Decide OKR cadence
  2. Define Key Results
  3. Link Monitoring KPIs
  4. Assign to Stakeholders
  5. Play back


  1. Invite Stakeholders
  2. Brief on the Purpose
  3. Capture stakeholder concerns
  4. Assign responsibilities (RACI)
  5. Play back


  1. Define guiding policies
  2. Conduct Review Sessions
  3. Define Themes and Objectives
  4. Define Initiatives
  5. Initiate Technology Architecture Planning


  1. Study concerns and disruptions
  2. Apply Strategic Lenses
  3. Discover Strategic Choices
  4. Define Options
  5. Play back

Define OKR

  1. Decide OKR cadence
  2. Define Key Results
  3. Link Monitoring KPIs
  4. Assign to Stakeholders
  5. Play back

 Strategy Execution



  1. Launch Initiatives
  2. Define Charters
  3. Manage Requirements
  4. Develop Solution
  5. Manage Backlog


  1. Generate Report
  2. Explain variances
  3. Share Report
  4. Receive Feedback
  5. Update backlog


  1. Gather Data
  2. Generate Insights
  3. Identify issues
  4. Decisions
  5. Play Back


  1. Generate Report
  2. Explain variances
  3. Share Report
  4. Receive Feedback
  5. Update backlog


  1. Gather Data
  2. Generate Insights
  3. Identify issues
  4. Decisions
  5. Play Back